With more than 20 years of experience, our team is now one of the most recognized in the sector (Legal 500 ranking, Le Point, Décideurs).
White collar crimes
- Abuse of corporate assets, breach of trust
- Illegal taking of interest and favoritism
- Insider trading, dissemination of false or misleading information
- Criminal liability of executives
- Public or private bribery
Criminal tax, customs and banking law
- Tax fraud and tax laundering
- Undercutting of goods on import
- Export of military equipment to countries under embargo
- ACPR procedure
- AMF procedure
General criminal law, labor criminal law, health criminal law
- Undeclared work
- Offence of obstruction
- Swindling
- Manslaughter and unintentional injury
- Voluntary violence
- Enforcement of sentences
- Compensation for personal injury
- Disciplinary Chamber of the ‘Ordre des Médecins’
Examples of cases handled
Our team Criminal law of business affairs
Our other areas of expertise